Tuesday, June 3, 2008

God answers prayer

yesterday, dad had his first course of rituxan. he got to the infusion room at the hospital by 9:30a and was first infused with saline. the rituxan came at 11:15a and by 12:15p he had intense chills and shaking. he was unable to breathe deeply so he was given an oxygen mask. after another hour, the shaking and chills subsided after they gave his body a break from it. he was ready to go home but his oncologist suggested they try again to do the full course.

so, he completed the full 6 hours of the rituxan infusion and he came out exhausted. when he got home he enjoyed and in-n-out cheeseburger and fries because he was starving and slept the rest of the afternoon!

this morning was remarkable because dad was up before everyone and actually sitting up at the table enjoying his morning cup of joe. that hasn't happened for almost two weeks! he looks good, sounds good and says he feels pretty good. The rituxan seems to have worked and God has heard the prayers of his people!

he is scheduled for three more courses over the next three weeks, so hopefully it will continue to affect him positively.

Thank you, dear friends and family, for your prayers~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Don,
Wish I was with you and Rach yesterday morning having that cup of joe. Praise God you are feeling better from your treatment. I pray you continue to improve. Love and hugs from the desert. Ginny