about 2 weeks ago, at one of those appts with dr. wong, there was the realization that dad's chemo treatments were ceasing to work. his tumor had begun to grow again [really at an alarming rate, as the cancer was becoming immune to the meds and got aggressive -- one can see it growing]. at that point, dr. wong put the brakes on the treatment and set don up for MRI and CT scans and a new chemo regimen.
this past monday, don had surgery to have a chemo port put in so that infusion of his medications would be easier -- no more stickin' him with a needle in his arm! they used it thursday and it went splendidly well. he was happy and relieved -- a wise decision, indeed!
so this week, a new treatment was started. yesterday he had a 1 hour infusion of the new med. this morning he awoke visibly tired and a bit weary, though in good spirits as ian had a cuddle on his lap. nothing like a cuddle with ian! he has been going to the docs several days weekly for neupogen [white blood cell] shots and will continue on that regimen; he will not do hydration again until the doctor deems it necessary.
don will be having a consultation for radiation on november 3rd. it is not his first choice and he is quite hesitant.
please pray:
- for wisdom on all sides.
- don's peace of mind and trust in the Great Healer.
- rachel's peace of mind and trust in the Great Comforter.
- heidi and her three children.
- that God will lead you to pray for issues that are possibly unknown to us all.
Tell Heidi, thanks for updating us. We pass at church, but only time to say "Hi, how are you doing?" Anyway, I just want you to know that we continue to pray for Don. We have another couple whose 45 yr. old son has cancer. So we remember you 2 together. AND we remember Heidi also. Dean and Ann
prayed for everyone this morning. grace and peace to the Hays and Ollmans~
Thank you for the faith and godly posture you continue to teach us with as you go through these dark valleys. I am confident that your prayers for wisdom and comfort will be answered--and ultimately for healing, too. I pray for God's will to reign in your lives, and in all our lives, and I pray for life to continue long and with less stress for each of you.
Good to talk w/ you --Rachel and Don--today
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