Wednesday, November 26, 2008

radiation is finished! and please pray...

dad had his last dose of radiation yesterday... that's something to give thanks about! he is tired now, and will continue to be for awhile, but he has finished his 17 treatments.

also, several friends have discovered they have cancer over the last weeks/months and i am going to mention only first names and where the cancer was found so that you might pray with us. let's face it -- cancer sucks! but our God is bigger and more powerful than that nasty stuff. so please pray for the following folks along with us, as dad's heart is with them also:

*Mike -- kidney/bladder
*Sam -- stomach
*Judy -- lung
*Karen -- colon/liver

may God continue to bless you in this season of Thanksgiving... and we thank God for life in abundance!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

physical therapy and radiation

mom had her first physical therapy appt. yesterday and it went well. she can move her forearm and hand and bend her elbow with little pain. yay, mom!

dad started his second week of radiation today and he's looking good. just a little bit of redness on the area, nothing too noticeable. the kids and i had a nice treat today of having blendeds at the coffee bean & tea leaf in chino hills after his appointment. a nice time for all of us! though the kids did miss grammy :(... hopefully next time she can join us!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

photos previously promised

here are some photos from dad's surprise 80th birthday party:

what the...


omg... i can't believe....

grampy and his little buddy ian

the hosts

i just can't believe it...

happy birthday to you!

blow out the candles on my birthday cake

a bounty of blessings: family, friends, and life!

good friends

grampy and 2 of his grandgirls... what a night!

surgery successful

mom's surgery was 3 hours long yesterday and successful. they were able to mend her own bones so no artificial shoulder was needed. if the bone does not heal like it should, the artificial partial shoulder is always an option.

she is home now and doing well. i shall find out more tomorrow when the kids and i visit. thanks again for all the prayers, help and well wishes.

dad is continuing treatment and doing well. please continue your prayers for them both!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


mom is going in for surgery this morning at 10am. the shoulder is comprised of four parts and she broke 2 parts and displaced all four. they'll be attempting to put it back together with four screws and a plate but if her osteoporosis prohibits them from doing this, they'll have to put in a partial artificial shoulder. so this morning she's on her way to being a "bionic woman" -- complete with sound effects!

as for dad, his first treatment yesterday went well and he will continue for the next 17 business days.

thanks for all of your prayers... may they continue! and thank you for the offers of help.... they are greatly needed!